Save the Cotswold Lion
Saving the ‘Cotswold Lion’
Stone Head in Bibury Church showing Cotswold CharacteristicsThe Cotswold Sheep Society, established originally in 1891, is a very active registered charity working for the conservation and promotion of the Cotswold breed.
We believe that the ‘Cotswold Lion’ to give it its historic nickname, with its wonderful lustrous fleece, fantastic temperament, and provider of delicious mild-flavoured lamb, has an important role still to play in the future of sheep farming, particularly in the Cotswold hills.
However there are only around 1350 breeding ewes in the country, which puts the breed in the ‘At Risk’ category on the Rare Breed Survival Trust ‘Watch List’. There is much work to be done before the ‘Cotswold Lion’ is ‘safe’!
To secure the future of the Cotswold we are always looking for ways to raise badly needed funds. To this end we run social and educational events, sell a range of merchandise, and run various competitions. We are always looking for new ideas…?
Why not Host the Society Slide Sshow?
Over a number of years the Society has put together a wonderful slide show, which has been digitised and can now also be shown as a ‘Power Point’ presentation.
This gives a fascinating insight into the history of the breed, the development of the Society and the rescuing of the Cotswold from the brink of extinction in recent years. It also looks at the part Cotswold sheep play on the Cotswold Hills today, and its importance for the future.
For a modest charge, plus travel expenses, we can present The Society Slide Show to your Society, Club or Association. This makes for a really interesting, and entertaining, evening. Please contact the Secretary for further information.